Kalachakra: 2011

In a talk from 2011, Robert Thurman introduces His Holiness the Dalai Lama at his thirtieth reading of the Kalachakra, in India, with some 150,000 people present.

Time is presented a pure compassion — as being in total presence of another. History becomes a machine for the ripening of beings. Hope and optimism are kindled. This holistic view focuses on warm-heartedness and compassion.

I’m not a great lover of crowds. But there is something inspiring about this huge public event. The oneness, the unison. I think I could manage.

What’s amazing is how all-encompassing the Kalachakra can be—science and theology, philosophy and myth, an entire world order. Tibetan Buddhism has that deep, haunting scary quality to it, such as the chants, but when breathed, there is a relaxation and a compassion. It’s like clearing the air — the spirit.

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