Duane Michals once said something that I recall when I view nearly any photograph: Photographers never photograph what they can’t see, and of course the most important things are what you can’t see. It’s what you feel. What you feel is much more important than what you can see. And so that is why I had to write—why I had […]
Tag: Photography
when in a time of despair…
When… In a time of despair… Remember the flowers…
Ruins at Moray, Peru
The magical ruins at Moray, Peru.
Birthday Photo 2023
Today’s my birthday. So I’m just gonna go to Paris.
My Cousin Joseph K. Faces Off with AI
According to his Memorial Record, my cousin, Joesph K. (I wonder if he knew Kafka) died on June 4, 1912, at the age of 37 years, 6 months, and 24 days, at 9pm. No cause of death is stated, but the young age of 37 has me speculating. He just returned from the dead for a face-off with AI. I […]
The Union Case Photographs of Bill Travis
Artist Bill Travis has been creating a remarkable series of photographs entitled “Poems of the Body”: Enchantingly illuminated male subjects framed in 19th-century union cases. At a root level, these pieces are intensely physical. They have power sexually, erotically. The men are stunning. What I greatly admire is how this “root sexuality” begins to expand, like a drop of ink […]
Ghosts on the Fifth of November
The Fifth of November: Guy Fawkes, V for Vendetta, Anonymous, Subversive Resistance, Masks, Identity, Visibility, Invisibility. Imagine all of that November Fifth intensity bursting out of your soul? An interior Gunpowder Treason and Plot? The “ghost within,” who might be a twin or alter ego, friend and foe, Cain and Abel, Self/Other, one’s own object of desire. What occurs exactly […]
Brandon Flynn’s Armpits
At first, you think it’s a Brando experience… the whole Hollywood spirit come to life. But Flynn offers much more here. It is spirit, but the spirit is black. It is all in the black. Those Vanta Black armpits, dark jungles, the dark depths matching his beard, is upper lip, his eyes, his hair. In Camera Lucida, Roland Barthes talks […]
Bruce Chatwin Dissolves
Bruce Chatwin: Traveling, unfixed, nomadic, dissolving. Identity that spreads far and wide but nearly imperceptibly… underground. The way Deleuze and Guattari speak of identity as rhizomatic in A Thousand Plateaus… each of us growing outward rather than upward. This puts the emphasis less on power and hierarchy, and more on a plurality of equally empowered humans. Chatwin travelled and with each […]
DFW: 20210221
Epistemology “It’s weird to feel like you miss someone you’re not even sure you know.” Logic “Certainty is knowing you.” Shakespeare “Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.” Wittgenstein “Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen.” h/t Marion Ettlinger
Lopsided Matt Damon
Matt Damon has always had a fascinating kind of sex appeal. Amazingly handsome, and yet there is the goofball quality that is disarming, alluring. When I saw this photo, I realized there is a certain lopsidedness to, well, all of him: his smile, his posture, and in some ways even his acting. I suppose some might criticize this — the […]
Hawk Spirit
Hawk · desire flight grasp Red · wound blood scar Eye · vision dream wisdom Heart · fire passion love
DFW: A Vast Cosmic Skull
DFW A vast cosmic skull. “You never know when the magic will descend on you. You never know when the grooves will open up. And once the magic descends… you don’t want to change even the smallest detail.” h/t Marion Ettlinger