I have a friend named Kace who adores the Cyrillic letter ж. Kace writes many letters to me, and early on in our correspondence, he ended each letter very simply: Love, Kace. Over time though, this became Love, K which evolved into LK, but as he began to write LK very quickly, this eventually morphed into the shape of the […]
Tag: Alchemy
when in a time of despair…
When… In a time of despair… Remember the flowers…
Ruins at Moray, Peru
The magical ruins at Moray, Peru.
John Dee. Enochian Magic. Hiding in Plain Sight.
John Dee. Never quite appearing the same way twice. Right now, I am focused on his cryptography, his linguistic inventions and conveyances, his alphabet, and his angels. His vast and wondrous system of encoding and obfuscation. To say what is by directly saying what is not. There is much emphasis on ceremony. There is also much emphasis on the “beyond” […]
Blazing Iron
Blazing Iron Open-hearted Battle-ready Ever-smiling Bardo traveling companion Always now Never forgotten… The glyph merges the alchemical symbols of the upward-pointing triangle (fire) and forged blade of iron
Turning Identity into Gold
If there is one academic book out there truly inspired by Whitman’s famous “I am large, I contain multitudes,” then this is it: Authorship as Alchemy by David Glenn Kropf. A brutal lit-crit read, but the concept is simple: What if writers (what if each one of us) were not just a mere single person, but multitudes? Not just woman […]